Thursday, November 11, 2004

stood to be counted with the enemy?

Issues of morality
have been heralded as one of the many reasons the Republicans made substantial
gains in the November 2004 elections. In response to this, many
Democrats who also claim to be Christians became indignant claiming that they
are just as "moral" as any Republican and that the "right" doesn't
have a monopoly on "values". That we all agree on the same things,
just differ on how to get there.

Just as in most things in the liberal democrat world, reality doesn't jibe
with what they believe.

First let's work on some definitions. The terms "morals" and "values" these
days are thought of as somewhat fluid. We've all heard the phrase "What's
true for you may not be true for me" etc.. Before Neitche and the psychologists
got ahold of this subject we referred to them as "right and wrong".
A Christian should KNOW (not feel!) that there are things that are right and
there are things that are wrong. That these things have been established by
God and that God has not now nor has he ever changed his mind on these matters.
has established the morals, values, whatever you want to call them and given
them to us as guardrails for our lives.

A Christian is someone who has confessed to God his sins, is sorry for them and
wants to turn from them. Has acknowledged that Jesus is the Son of God, that
He died for all our sins and rose again after three days in the grave to conquer
death for all that love Him. And finally after these confessions has had the
Holy Spirit of God dwell in them as a comforter and guide as they walk in the
ways of God.

Notice, I didn't say someone who has gone to church all their lives because
their momma and daddy went there. Nor did I mention someone who claims to be
a christian
because they keep the ten commandments and go to church now and then.

Now as far as
the Republican Party is concerned, this is where Christians have a home and
a voice- for the moment. I do not consider myself a Republican. I am a
Christian. I vote for the Christian (when an obvious one is available). The
majority of Christians (real ones, that is) travel in the Republican party.
The moment the RNC shows Christianity the door, I'll be the first out.

With these definitions in mind, let us move on.

In the movie "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" there is a scene
where Indy meets up with the femme fatale to retrieve his father's diary. They
are in Berlin and the Nazis are burning books. A massive pile of flaming tomes
is the backdrop when Dr. Jones angrily grabs the diary .

Dr. Elsa Schneider : You came back for the book?

Indiana Jones : My father didn't want it incinerated.

Dr. Elsa Schneider : I believe in the Grail, not the Swastika.

Indiana Jones : You stood up to be counted with the enemies of everything
the Grail stands for. Who gives a d**n what you believe?

Those that claim to be Christian and Democrats have chosen to stand with
their party and everything it stands for. Let's examine what these things

Attitudes toward African-Americans and minorities:

It was Democratic politicians who fanned the flames of the draft
in the
New England states by agitating the Irish immigrants against the newly arriving
blacks who were portrayed as a threat to their jobs. Black men where
hung from the lampposts for nothing more than being negro.

It was democratic politicians who opposed emancipation. Where it not for Abolitionist
applying steady pressure on Lincoln and his administration, it would
not have happened.

It was the Democratic party that gave birth to the Ku Klux Klan. One of their
current party leaders, Senator
Robert Byrd
from West Virginia, is an ex Klan
recruiter and leader. He has never denounced his affiliation.

The Civil Rights Amendment was stonewalled by southern democrats. Senator Al
Gore Sr. was one of many against it. Were it not for the Republican minority
voting for it, it would not have passed.

Since LBJ's war
on poverty, promises made by Democrats (who by the way were in the majority
in the Congress as well as held the presidency a sizable portion of the time)
have shown to be hollow. With each new generation the same promises are made
and the same demons vilified. If the problems of minorities were to actually
be solved, then Democrats would lose their power. It is in their best interest
to keep the problems alive.

Remember which
president rounded up and interred Japanese Americans simply because of their
ethnicity? Democrat FDR.

Death to the innocent:

If you are pro-life,
you will never be heard in the Democratic party. The angry, hate-filled,
abortion-is-the-ONLY-choice feminists and NOW members are wholly in whose

NARAL endorsed
Senator John Kerry, who said he believed that life started at conception,
but didn't want to impede a "woman's right to choose".

Which party members
have defended the abominable procedure known as "partial birth
abortion"? Which party has been trying to outlaw it?

It is the Democratic
party that has given ear and a home to the euthanasia movement. Giving grandma
a lethal dose once she becomes a "useless eater" is not a new concept certainly,
but if you'll notice, it is liberal Democrat politicians that are arguing
the case.

of God and Christianity from every aspect of government and everyday life:

The ACLU is not
a Republican organization. Read the roster of their supporters and you'll
notice a parallel with Democratic supporters.

Did you know Atheists
endorsed Kerry

The approval
and promotion of sexual perversity:

Even though the
Republican party has its "log cabin" homosexuals, but they are not a significant
factor. Whereas homosexuals, pedophiles,
bi-sexuals, tri-sexual, necrophiliacs, S&M , you name it are 99.9% registered
Democrats. It is the Republican party
that has been pushing the defense of marriage and the marriage amendment
to preserve the institution. Ask most Bush hating Democrats why they hate
Bush, they'll say because he is against marriage for gays, against abortion
(a woman's right to choose).'The "adult
entertainment industry
" (pornographers)
endorsed John Kerry. The
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
endorsed Kerry.

Common ground
with the Communist and socialist parties USA:

Although the Communist
Party USA does not endorse a candidate, as they state on their website, they
are totally against President Bush and the "Republican stranglehold on government".
They also did not run their own candidate so as not to "distract from the
main effort of defeating Bush". If it walks like an endorsement and quacks
like an endorsement...

The Socialist
Party USA
endorsed Kerry.

Fidel Castro endorsed
Kerry. Kim
Jong-il, North Korean dictator
endorsed Kerry. Vietnamese
endorsed Kerry.

like to see America die:

Terrorists and Anarchists: For Kerry. Against Bush.


If Jesus lashed
out at anyone the most, it would be hypocrites. Don't get me started on the
huge list of liberal Democrat hypocricy.

cause violence and destruction before and after election.

Groups around
the country broke into and trashed Republican headquarters. Thousands of
Republican vehicles have been vandalized. People who had Bush/Cheney signs
in their yards had their houses vandalised.

(This list isn't
in any way exhaustive. Just what came to mind while ranting. I could go on
and on and on.)

I hope I don't
need to explain to you why these things are bad, and you
may not support racism, the killing of the innocent, unbridled sexual perversion,
the removal of God and Christianity from public life, Communism, Socialism,
Terrorism, anarchists or violence...

...But you have
stood to be counted with the enemies of everything that Christianity stands

are known by the company you keep.

Ye this day....

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