Monday, November 01, 2004

Phantom Pain

The subject of last Sundays' sermon was the "body of Christ". In my mind I combined this concept with a video I had seen earlier in the week and was given an insight into something I've been dealing with.

I've had some difficulty trying to keep a postive attitiude concerning those who've left the church for whatever reason. It's been a mixture of anger and sadness. These were people I enjoyed seeing and in my own feeble way attempted to be involved with their lives.

The video I watched last week, in part, dealt with a soldier whose arms were blown off in an accident and how he was dealing with "phantom pain". It seems that although a part of your body is missing, in your mind the limb is still wounded and sever pain is felt where the part once existed.

I suppose the pain many of us feel is phantom pain for missing members of The body.

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