Tuesday, November 09, 2004


HughHewitt.com: "Michael Barone sums up the MSM, 2004: Bush 'has been the target all year of vicious and biased coverage from old media, many if not most of whose personnel saw their job as removing this scourge from the presidency. The 60 Minutes story about Bush's Air National Guard service, which was based on obviously forged documents, is only the most egregious example. Old media have headlined violence in Iraq and reported almost nothing about positive developments there; they highlighted the charges of self-promoter Joseph Wilson and spoke nary a word when they were proved bogus; they have given good economic news far less positive coverage, studies show, than they did when Bill Clinton was in office.'

I doubt the MSM will ever regain their position of respect. It is now understood as an extension of the Democratic Party, and a not-very-ethical annex at that."

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