Sunday, October 31, 2004

Cutting the Church some slack

We all know someone like Phil. Phil was once very involved in a church. He was saved, baptised and "on fire for the Lord". Then something happened. Someone cheesed him off. Said something he didn't like. Let him down. Disappointed him.

Now he has abandoned the Church. Not just the Church he left, but The Church in general. Phil won't darken the door of any church of any stripe, not because of the many good people that are there, but the few who managed to step on his toes.

I have a question for the Phil's of the world. Didja notice that the people who dissapointed you were also Americans? Why didn't you move to Belize or, say, Madagascar? You didn't renouce your citizenship in the good ole USA.

There are probably more than a few jerks at your work. Still there aren't you? Your brother-in-law is a royal pain, but you still show up on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Your favorite football team isn't always the winner. Yet you root for them during the down years.

Why don't you cut your church the same slack as you do everything else? The Church is full of...wait for it....PEOPLE!!!!! And believe it or not, not all are saved and working on OUR SIDE. And yes, even the saved have stupid moments.

As for me, the Holy Spirit assigned me and my family to our Church. I don't go somewhere else until I get my marching orders from the Holy Spirit. Until then, it's MY CHURCH. Good and bad.

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